Archive for the 'General Info' Category

2017 Annual Meeting Notice

Sunday, October 8th, 2017

The 2017 Annual Members’ Meeting will be held Monday, November 6, 2017 at 7 pm at the Deep River Friends Meeting Hall, 5300 West Wendover Avenue in High Point.

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the status of the property and to review and ratify the 2018 budget. There will also be an election of three (3) seats onto the Board of Directors. These elected individuals will serve for two year terms. Nominations for these volunteer positions will be accepted from the floor. Anyone interested in one of the Director positions should contact Greg Domingue at Golden Property Management their telephone number is (336) 887-8975.

For more details, please download the full meeting packet.

2017 Spring Yard Sale

Monday, May 1st, 2017

The 2017 Meadow Creek Spring Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, May 20. Roll some tables out on the driveway, fill them up, and join the fun! View the flyer.

2016 Annual Meeting Notice

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

The 2016 Annual Members’ Meeting will be held Monday, November 28, 2016 at 7 pm at the Deep River Friends Meeting Hall, 5300 West Wendover Avenue in High Point.

The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the status of the property and to review and ratify the 2017 budget. There will also be an election of four (4) seats onto the Board of Directors. These elected individuals will serve for two year terms. Nominations for these volunteer positions will be accepted from the floor. Anyone interested in one of the Director positions should contact Greg Domingue at Golden Property Management their telephone number is (336) 887-8975.

For more details, please download the full meeting notice and the full meeting packet.

2016 Fall BBQ

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Saturday October 8, 2016 from 12 – 4 pm (CANCELLED)

The Fall BBQ has been cancelled due to poor weather.

2016 Fall Yard Sale

Monday, September 19th, 2016

A lot of requests were made for a last minute community fall yard sale for all who want to participate! Saturday September 24th. 7am start.

The sign will be posted at the entrance on Sunday. If you wish to do signs for your own streets you may, but be sure to take them down afterwards.